Mission, Vision and Objectives


To consolidate Montessori training capacity in Kenya under one central organization and to provide access to authentic, high-quality Montessori education to all Kenyan children and families, particularly those in the most disadvantaged communities.


That all Kenyan communities have access to high-quality Montessori education that supports natural human development through proven pedagogical and human developmental practices.

Our Objectives

  • Enhanced capacity and groundwork for broader and more rapid adoption of Montessori in Kenya
  • Quality assurance and professional development support to training centres and schools
  • Implementation and project management support to outreach initiatives
  • Advocacy and relationship management with associate and partner organizations, local bodies and institutions, and governments
  • Creation of avenues for local research and knowledge production
  • Connection with AMI network in Africa and internationally

Anticipated Long Term Impact

  1. Build the Montessori movement in Kenya as a stable and formidable voice that supports the educational and developmental needs of young people in Kenya
  2. Enable communities to use Montessori as a lever for community empowerment and self-directed learning and development, particularly in poor, rural, nomadic and refugee communities.
  3. Influence the parenting and education practices in Kenya to embrace the developmental nature of children’s education, consistent with the values and principles of the Montessori community.
  4. Share learnings across Montessori and NGO practitioners in Kenya, across the African continent, and beyond.

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.