About Us

Montesorri For Kenya - About Us

Montessori for Kenya — ( MfK) was established and registered with the Non-Governmental Organization Coordination Board, as an infrastructure for Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) in Kenya, to include training capacity, human capital, and enhanced workshop accessibility thus enabling Montessori education to propagate and proliferate across the country. MfK which is recognized as an AMI affiliated Society in Kenya aims to house deep capacity in AMI pedagogy and training, while also building up strategic and implementation capacity to advance the social enterprise models to support this national effort.

By being affiliated to AMI, Montessori for Kenya is able to tap on AMI’’s long years experiences in supporting Montessori work worldwide, has access to available resources that support Montessori education and research, and a network of capacity support in ensuring propagation of quality Montessori education in Kenya and beyond.

The work of Montessori for Kenya builds on more than 30 years of AMI Montessori
knowledge and experience in Kenya, including the initial successes of the community-based Corner of Hope schools in New Canaan and Kisima that were established after the infamous post-election violence that affected the country in the year 2007/8. These schools are pilot projects that show how Montessori teacher training and schools can be delivered to the most vulnerable communities such as those in refugee, transit and IDP camps.

Based on the successes of the Corner of Hope Schools and the critical lessons learnt, there has been interest in establishment of similar high-quality Montessori schools in other parts of the country including among the nomadic communities in Samburu. Montessori for Kenya aims to support such initiatives and create models of education that will offer potential lessons and learning for use by nomadic tribes and communities across Kenya and Africa, as well as within refugee communities across the globe.

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